
+61 2 9957 4033

Family Office

Most family money is eared in one generation and lost in three. Transfer of capital with no structure can create conflict and complacency. The family office is there to provide the framework to protect and grow the family wealth.



Establishing a Family Office is a significant start and the family must determine their expectations, priorities and scope to decide what services they need. Besides various essential services such as taxation management and administration, we provide advisory and strategy consulting, for example, structuring and asset protection, and project manage all the other services the family needs.

Asset protection

It takes patience, good management, great ideas and insights, good advisors and skills to build family wealth. Yet family wealth is so susceptible and can be attacked by bad relationships, agencies and regulators. We have proven strategies to deliver a real solution to protect your family wealth.

Family governance

Governance is a company's direction and control. Directors run companies. The board establishes strategic objectives, oversees management, and reports to shareholders on their stewardship. The board is governed by laws, regulations, and shareholder meetings. These corporate governance ideas may be applied in a family office, but they must be adapted.

Back office services

We provide back office help for the preparation of reporting that is required for compliance with various legislative, regulatory, and tax requirements.



Click on the links below for our latest news and if we can assist you, please contact the Bates Cosgrave team on 02 9957 4033.